Causal Loop Diagramming

Here I am sharing the tools I have used for causal loop diagramming:-

Paper and pen or pencil and eraser *Great for developing your own or group CLDs in place together*

Whiteboard or Blackboard *Good for collaboration in place*

Tablet (iPad) and pen *A personal whiteboard*

Miro or Jamboard: Miro site Google Jamboard *Great for collaboration. No analysis tools.*

Loopy: Access site *Online, Colourful, Brings CLDs to life, Engaging for kids, Ideal for simple models*

Cauzality: Access site *Online, Free version available, Collaborative, Directive, Loop and polarity identification, Misses driver trees*

Vensim PLE: Access site *Free to use for public learning, Powerful, Loop identification, Limited (2 levels) Driver trees, Stock flow diagrams, Full simulation capability*

Vensim Pro:Access site *As PLE plus full depth driver trees. And massive simulation capability BUT expensive to purchase - sliding scale of charge depending on use profile*

Plectica: Access site *Multiple perspectives, Online, synchronous and asynchronous, free version*

Kumu:Access site *Tricky to use, great for highlighting loops*

Insightmaker:Access site

STELLA, iThink: Access site *Supports stock flow diagrams and simulation*

Powersim: Access free tools *Stock Flow diagram and simulation*