Leverage potential of variables
1. These are **effective control levers** that will re-stabilise the system once a change has occurred (three-dimensional stability)
2. These are **accelerators and catalysts**, suitable for fi ring up in order to get things going at all. Uncontrolled rocking and tipping are possible, though, so extreme caution is called for (the ‘velvet-glove’ approach).
3. It is particularly dangerous if associated clusters of variables lie in the **critical/reactive** area.
4. Intervening here to steer things will produce only **cosmetic corrections** (treating symptoms). However, these components make excellent **indicators**.
5. Somewhat **sluggish indicators**, but they can also be **experiment**ed with.
6. Area where **interventions and controls serve no purpose**. However, ‘wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing’ behaviour is also possible here if one proceeds incautiously or abruptly oversteps thresholds or limits.
7. Here are **weak control levers** with few side effects