Here we explore a simple method to create a CLD.
I think there are two simple CLD methods:
# First = start with a single variable
1. Write something you want to know in the form of a question? It must be something which is valuable to you. Eg how can I improve xyz?
2. Identify a single variable to explore within your question.
3. Ask yourself what affects the variable you are focused on. Say look for 2 to 3 variables which affect your focus variable.
4. Connect them to your focus variable and ask how they affect the focus variable in order to (a) identify further variables to explain the how, and (b) identify whether the relationship is S or O.
5. Ask yourself what the variable you are focused on affects. Say look for 2 to 3 variables which your focus variable affects.
6. Connect your focus variable to them and ask how the focus variable affects them in order to (a) identify further variables to explain the how, and (b) identify whether the relationship is S or O.
7. Now think about how the variables in step 5 might affect the variables in step 3. ie explicitly look for feedback. Identify any further variables to explain the "how" and make the connections.

A simple CLD
7. Identify the polarity of the loops R or B
8. Build out the diagram by asking what else questions. What else does Cause variable 1 affect? What else does Effect variable 2 affect? etc etc
# Second: Jigsaw This method aims to find some of the key variables in the system. * We start by listing what we want to achieve. * We convert the responses to the questions into Variables * We map the relationships between the identified Variables * We extend and verify the emerging Causal Loop Diagram using the questions to extend and verify a CLD in FAQ's for CLD's
See Teenager's Mind Maps for an example.