Kerry has had many articles published in UK equestrian magazines (and further afield...):-
Riding Dynamics is Kerry's book exploring horse and rider as a unified system.
Saving Tamtam is a follow-on article to "Power Source". It explores the rehabilitation of a horse with muscular problems.
Helping Hoof for the Fells Cumbria magazine pp 18-21 September 2017
Power Source: Keep your horse on top form by taking care of his muscles Horse Magazine pp84-87 April 2013
I wrote this article on Horse Muscle Management to summarise the findings of my research into this important topic in 2013. Power Source was the much shorter pulished article (see above.)

Improve your riding without riding!. source
Improve your riding without riding! Horse & Rider Magazine pp57-64 January 2010
Introducing Riding Dynamics Equine Excellence Magazine (Australia) January 2009
Ideas from French Dressage British Dressage Magazine January 2006
Vive La France (Episode Deux) Horse & Rider Magazine pp48-52 July 2005

Vive La France (Part 1). source

Headshakers Anonymous. source
Vive La France (Part 1) Horse & Rider Magazine pp16-20 June 2005
Headshakers Anonymous Horse & Rider Magazine pp88-90 May 2000
The Emperor's New Clothes April 2000

Learning the Language of Feel. source
Learning the Language of Feel Horse & Rider Magazine pp 32-35 April 1998