We explain the process of causal loop diagram creation as a flow chart below.
Open and print this PDF of the flow chart should you prefer a paper copy.
We all have our useful ways of diagramming. Trying to convert a non-causal loop diagram into a CLD is like trying to uncook an egg. It can actually be done, but it is often easier to start from scratch.
The sequence below is explained and illustrated on further pages. Simply click on the nodes (circles) to access this information. By using this we hope to provide sufficient guidance so anyone can create credible and useful causal loop models.
Please send us your feedback so we can improve it. Better still, get your own fedwiki, copy the pages you want and make your personal improvements. Contact Marc via his e-mail address **marpie1@comcast.net** if this is of interest. Kerry and Marc are both on LinkedIn. Here is Marc's profile and here
is Kerry's.
Arrows diagram is a simple diagramming tool preloaded with the diagram below.
Click on any of the nodes in the diagram below to learn more about how do that.
To begin with use pencil and paper to develop your diagrams. Consider using an electronic whiteboard like Miro for group CLD building or Cauzality. I recommend Vensim when we are ready to analyze our CLDs. You can download a free copy of Vensim here . A full list of Causal Loop Diagramming tools can be accessed here.
Try developing your capability using our CLD Fitness Course.